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User interfaceBy Pierre Colart

React - Typescript by Practice - Trello - Column drag and drop

This tutorial focuses on building a React application using TypeScript and practical implementation of Trello board with drag and drop functionality for columns.

Typescript has advanced types and structural patterns.

Typescript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing to the language. With advanced types, Typescript provides a robust type system that allows for better code organization and fewer errors at runtime. Structural patterns are design patterns that focus on the structure of objects and how they relate to each other, enabling developers to write cleaner and more maintainable code.

Micro Frontend

Micro Frontend is an architectural approach where the frontend of a web application is broken down into smaller, self-contained units called micro frontends. Each micro frontend is developed and deployed independently, allowing for greater flexibility and scalability in large and complex web applications. The micro frontends can also be owned and maintained by separate teams, improving team autonomy and reducing coordination overhead.

React Data Management and Performance

React Data Management and Performance refer to techniques and strategies used to effectively manage and optimize data flow and processing within a React application. This includes implementing efficient data fetching, caching, and state management strategies to minimize unnecessary re-renders and ensure smooth and fast application performance. Effective data management is crucial for React applications that deal with large and complex datasets, as it can significantly impact the overall user experience and the performance of the application.

React: Uncontrolled and Controlled Components

React offers two types of form components, controlled and uncontrolled. Controlled components are those where React is responsible for managing and updating the state of the form. Uncontrolled components, on the other hand, allow the form to manage its own state. Understanding the difference between these two types of components is important for building efficient and effective React applications.

React 17 - hooks

React 17 introduced several new features related to hooks, such as the ability to use useEffect and useLayoutEffect as functions instead of hooks, and a new useSelector hook for accessing data from a Redux store. Additionally, there were some performance improvements related to the use of useMemo and useCallback.

React Patterns and Best Practices

React Patterns and Best Practices refer to commonly used solutions and techniques in React development that promote better code quality, maintainability, and performance. These patterns and practices help developers to write more efficient and effective code by providing guidelines and standards for designing and structuring React components, managing state and data, handling events, and more.

Jest: the testing framework

Jest is a popular JavaScript testing framework developed by Facebook. It is known for its simplicity, speed, and ability to run tests in parallel. Jest provides a comprehensive suite of testing tools, including built-in assertion libraries, mocking capabilities, and code coverage reporting.

React - Typescript in practice - Trello - Card drag and drop

This tutorial or project likely demonstrates how to use React with TypeScript in the context of Trello, a project management tool, by implementing drag and drop functionality for Trello cards. The focus is on practical application of React and TypeScript skills.

React - Typescript in practice - Trello - State and reducer

This is a tutorial that likely teaches how to use React with TypeScript in a practical way. It may focus on integrating with Trello, and cover state management with reducers.

React - TypeScript in Practice - Trello - Introduction to Components

This article provides an introduction to building components in React with TypeScript using the example of a Trello board. The tutorial focuses on practical implementation and highlights the benefits of using TypeScript in a React project.

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